Rebellion Pest Defense is a local pest control company that services clients located in and around Scottsdale, Arizona. The company was founded in 2017 when our founders used their three decades' worth of local pest control experience to create a full-service team that offers the following:

  • Residential Pest Control
  • Commercial Pest Control
  • Scorpion Control
  • Bed Bug Control
  • Spider Control
  • Ant Control
  • Bee and Wasp Control
  • Termite Treatment

Mission Statement

Our mission is simple: to get rid of all the pests invading your home or business. Our specialized team will make quick work of whatever pest or critter that's been bugging you. Whether it's a small anthill in your yard or a troubling termite invasion ruining your establishment, we can help!

Core Values

At the heart of Rebellion Pest Defense are these core values:

Great Customer Service:

What allows us to build and maintain a solid customer base is our commitment to customer satisfaction. In fact, we go the extra mile to ensure all our clients happy. You can count on us to get rid of whatever pest is invading your property.


We'll use our decades' worth of combined industry experience to provide unparalleled, top-notch results. In fact, no other pest control brand can match the specialized formula our skilled team uses to get rid of pests and critters.


As the old adage goes, "you're never more than ten feet away from a rat." So when you encounter a rat - or any pest for that matter - you know who to call!